Sunday, August 1, 2010

Working on something new

I've decided it would be best if there was something else to work on while I wait not so patiently for the review of my manuscript.  It's something that's been roaming my head for quite some time, and I'm excited about.  Hopefully, this will keep me from checking my email every two minutes.

So off to write some more.

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Spent a few hours writing today

So, it was nice to actually get out of the house, sans kid and husband and actually write for a little bit.

OK so I didn't actually get much done, and I spent more money than I should have, but it was nice to get out of the house.

So the next thing that I plan on doing is starting a new project.  My first full manuscript is written and is out with an agent.  I'm crossing my fingers with her.  She's a top notch agent that I'd had my eyes on since I happened across her website.  Hopefully she'll bite.

It's funny, but when I first got the please send me the first thirty pages and a synopsis, I was shocked, and then I did a happy dance.  I did that and four days latter, I received a rejection letter from the original query. 

I shrugged it off, and moved on.  Then on Thursday, I received another email from her stating she'd received my submission, and would take 4-6 weeks to review.  Huh.  Here's to hoping!