Saturday, July 31, 2010

Spent a few hours writing today

So, it was nice to actually get out of the house, sans kid and husband and actually write for a little bit.

OK so I didn't actually get much done, and I spent more money than I should have, but it was nice to get out of the house.

So the next thing that I plan on doing is starting a new project.  My first full manuscript is written and is out with an agent.  I'm crossing my fingers with her.  She's a top notch agent that I'd had my eyes on since I happened across her website.  Hopefully she'll bite.

It's funny, but when I first got the please send me the first thirty pages and a synopsis, I was shocked, and then I did a happy dance.  I did that and four days latter, I received a rejection letter from the original query. 

I shrugged it off, and moved on.  Then on Thursday, I received another email from her stating she'd received my submission, and would take 4-6 weeks to review.  Huh.  Here's to hoping!

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